jeudi 3 octobre 2019

Younger looking skin without using anymore Botox injections?? Is that possible???!!!😒😓

The appearance of wrinkle-free, supple skin depends on collagen, a protein that gradually decreases in the body after the age of 25. There is no way to stop this, but scientists have long sought ways to conceal wrinkles, to rejuvenate the face, restore volume, such as fillers and Botox injections.
But, there is not a safety, natural alternative to Botox injections??!! 😒😓

The answer is of course, yes😃😉!! Our grandmothers have already thought about solving this problem. In Morocco, women in the southern Moroccan provinces have an old homemade mask to remove wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. They use Fenugreek seed!!

Yes, Fenugreek is considered, in cosmetics and traditional medicine, as an anti-inflammatory, stimulating, soothing and tonic.

To prepare our natural Moroccan Botox😀😊💕, you should simply mix 2 teaspoon of smooth fenugreek powder with 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients until you get a smooth mixture. Apply the mask to your face with a brush and leave on for 15 minutes. Clean the face with water.

2 commentaires:

  1. Hello everyone
    This mask will give you a good result, if you apply it twice a week for 3 months.
    If you ever have a problem with the smell of fenugreek... I'm sorry to tell you to support it and clean your face well and put on your daily moisturizer



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